Catholicism / Liturgical Reform / Traditionalism

The Tragicomedy of the Trads

Another day, another new trad book:

Notice Kwasniewski’s hype-words:

hugely important
absolute dynamite
like nothing that has been since Vatican II. NOTHING.

See, this is perhaps the most tragicomical feature of Tradism as a movement.

It consistently exhibits a belief that its next big overhyped book will be LIKE NONE OTHER… when it will be quite literally nothing but the regurgitation of every stale, five-decade-old talking point in exactly the same ways, with perhaps a few new current events-themed buzzword-concepts (“deathvaxxes!”) thrown in.

And it always holds that the new book du jour will be a TOTAL GAME-CHANGER… while changing exactly nothing except the bank account balance of the authors and publishers on the one hand, and gullible chumps who buy it and lap it up on the other.

It would be funny, were it not so sad.

But, as Pope Francis is rumored to have said upon his election, “the carnival is over.” Eventually, the clowns will have to go home and find other jobs, too.

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