Catholicism / Divine Office / Liturgical Reform / Liturgical Spirituality / Ordinary Form / Western Spirituality

New Breviary Insert: Daytime and Compline Hymns for Liturgy of the Hours Second Edition

I have written before about the new collaborative product of ICEL, the USCCB, and GIA Publications: The Divine Office Hymnal, published in 2023 and containing all the new translations of the Liturgia Horarum second typical edition’s Latin hymns — in accurate, clear, crisp, poetic, modern English — that will be included in the upcoming Liturgy of the Hours Second Edition (ETA 2026, God willing).

These hymns are already approved for immediate (optional) liturgical use, so there is no theoretical reason individuals and communities who by their canonical promise or voluntarily pray the Liturgy of the Hours, couldn’t incorporate them into their daily office, and I myself have found their use to be very deeply enriching of daily prayer.

To help facilitate this at least in part, I have created a new breviary insert containing the six hymns for Daytime Prayer (Terce/Midmorning, Sext/Midday, None/Midafternoon), with two provided for each hour (recommended for Weeks I & III and Weeks II & IV, respectively), as well as the Compline hymn Te lucis ante terminum.

I have also included the more accurately translated Closing Versicles from the new ordinary of the divine office as approved by the U.S. Bishops in 2023 (note that this portion, unlike the Hymns, has not yet received the confirmatio of the Roman Dicastery for Divine Worship). Nonetheless, I have been using them liberally in private and family prayer, and thought it helpful to share.

Please note that all hymn texts are © 2023, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. They are reproduced with permission for private use only and not for sale or any commercial purposes whatsoever.

For all the accompanying music with both plainchant and metrical hymn tones, and the full collection of hymns, I very strongly recommend the aforementioned GIA Divine Office Hymnal, which I have been using to great personal spiritual profit.

Without further ado, here is the PDF:

2 thoughts on “New Breviary Insert: Daytime and Compline Hymns for Liturgy of the Hours Second Edition

  1. I have a couple questions: Ive really been enjoying the translations offerred on Ibreviary. I wondered though, will GIA or the new printed breviary offer some of the core hymns in Latin as well? I know in the current Breviary there are some hymns that they place in Latin, including the marian hymns after Night prayer. Does the GIA offer some of those hymns in Latin or are they all in English?

    also have you seen the work done by Paul Rose from Sing the Hours?

    • Hey Michael, there’s no Latin in the GIA hymnal. No idea about whether the breviary will have anything.

      I don’t know anything about Paul Rose’s work I’m afraid!

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