The Ordinariates and the Catholic Church: Pitfalls and Opportunities
Anglicanism / Catholicism / Church History / Ecclesiology / Ordinariate / Western Spirituality

The Ordinariates and the Catholic Church: Pitfalls and Opportunities

The Ordinariates established by the late Pope Benedict XVI after 2009 for those coming from the broader Anglican tradition who wanted to reconcile with the Catholic Church came with a lofty and historically precarious mission: to effect a reconciliation that was not in the old tonality of the despising and complete abandonment of one’s previous … Continue reading

The Gospel, Daily Reenacted: A Reflection on the Opening of the 1662 Prayer Book Offices
Anglicanism / Catholicism / Divine Office / Liturgical Spirituality / Ordinariate / Western Spirituality

The Gospel, Daily Reenacted: A Reflection on the Opening of the 1662 Prayer Book Offices

The 1662 Book of Common Prayer, still broadly considered to be the traditional norm of Anglican Christian worship, has a long history and has left an indisputable mark on the development of English-speaking culture worldwide (one need only think of such iconic phrases as “earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust,” originating from … Continue reading