A Simple Daily Office for Traditional Latin Catholic Laypeople
Catholicism / Devotions / Divine Office / Liturgical Spirituality / Traditionalism / Western Spirituality

A Simple Daily Office for Traditional Latin Catholic Laypeople

One of the hallmarks of the Liturgical Movement in the early- to mid-20th century was the impetus to open up the treasures of the Sacred Liturgy of the Catholic Church to the entire people of God. To this end, a slew of vernacular publications of liturgical texts, not only bilingual hand missals but also simplified … Continue reading

Liturgy of the Hours, Second Edition: Long-Awaited Updates
Catholicism / Divine Office / Liturgical Reform / Liturgical Spirituality / Ordinary Form

Liturgy of the Hours, Second Edition: Long-Awaited Updates

I have written several posts in the past about the ongoing revision of the Liturgy of the Hours’ American edition, giving props to USCCB and ICEL for their excellent work, reasonable timing and transparency about progress. Although this continental revision of the translation will not solve some fundamental issues with the current Roman office that … Continue reading

Daytime Prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours: Some Historical Notes and a Pro-Tip
Catholicism / Divine Office / Liturgical Reform / Liturgical Spirituality / Ordinary Form / Western Spirituality

Daytime Prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours: Some Historical Notes and a Pro-Tip

Daytime Prayer in the Roman Office: A (Very) Brief Historical Overview From about the mid-first millennium until 1911, when Pope Pius X radically rearranged its psalm distribution, the divine office of the Roman rite had a never-changing psalmody for the “little hours” of the day: Prime (First Hour, 6 a.m.), Terce (Third Hour, 9 a.m.), … Continue reading

The Gospel, Daily Reenacted: A Reflection on the Opening of the 1662 Prayer Book Offices
Anglicanism / Catholicism / Divine Office / Liturgical Spirituality / Ordinariate / Western Spirituality

The Gospel, Daily Reenacted: A Reflection on the Opening of the 1662 Prayer Book Offices

The 1662 Book of Common Prayer, still broadly considered to be the traditional norm of Anglican Christian worship, has a long history and has left an indisputable mark on the development of English-speaking culture worldwide (one need only think of such iconic phrases as “earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust,” originating from … Continue reading

New Breviary Insert: Latin Hymns for Major & Daytime Hours in Eastertide
Catholicism / Divine Office / Liturgical Spirituality / Ordinary Form

New Breviary Insert: Latin Hymns for Major & Daytime Hours in Eastertide

The current American breviary in force includes as an option the Latin vespers hymn for Eastertide from the Liturgia Horarum, Ad cenam Agni providi. However, it does not have the equally excellent Latin hymns for the Office of Readings, Lauds (Morning Prayer), and the daytime hours of Terce (Mid-Morning), Sext (Midday) and None (Mid-Afternoon). To … Continue reading

New LOTH Booklet: A Game-Changer?
Divine Office / Liturgical Spirituality / Ordinary Form / Western Spirituality

New LOTH Booklet: A Game-Changer?

It has been 47 years since the new Liturgy of the Hours (U.S. edition) first appeared in English in 1975, but the Second Vatican Council’s strong admonition (SC §100) that pastors ensure at least Sunday and Feast day Vespers be celebrated regularly in parishes is very far from being a recognizable reality in the American … Continue reading

Make Public Offices Normal Again!
Catholicism / Divine Office / Liturgical Spirituality / Western Spirituality

Make Public Offices Normal Again!

I have long ago come to think Roman-rite pastors simply have no legitimate general excuse not to either personally celebrate, or make necessary arrangements with assistant pastors or deacons to have, at least a monthly (if not weekly or more) public divine office in their parishes.  Consider: most offices (including the “major hours” of Lauds/Morning … Continue reading

New Interview by The Pillar with ICEL’s Executive Director
Catholicism / Divine Office / Liturgical Reform / Liturgical Spirituality / Ordinary Form

New Interview by The Pillar with ICEL’s Executive Director

The Catholic investigative journalism outfit, The Pillar, just published an excellent, extensive “inside-baseball” interview with Msgr. Andrew Wadsworth, the executive director for the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL), the body responsible for translating many (though not all) liturgical texts from Latin into English. The main topic was the hymnody for the Liturgy … Continue reading

LOTH Second Edition: July 2021 Updates
Catholicism / Divine Office / Liturgical Reform / Liturgical Spirituality / Ordinary Form

LOTH Second Edition: July 2021 Updates

The USCCB’s Secretariat for Divine Worship has recently updated their Liturgy of the Hours Second Edition progress tracker page with some key updates since the last bishops’ plenary meeting, which included votes on final-draft components of the overhaul. The changes/updates that stood out to me include (all emphases mine): Making it clear and explicit that … Continue reading