The Tragicomedy of the Trads
Catholicism / Liturgical Reform / Traditionalism

The Tragicomedy of the Trads

Another day, another new trad book: Notice Kwasniewski’s hype-words: “hugely important” “absolute dynamite““like nothing that has been since Vatican II. NOTHING.“ See, this is perhaps the most tragicomical feature of Tradism as a movement. It consistently exhibits a belief that its next big overhyped book will be LIKE NONE OTHER… when it will be quite … Continue reading

A Simple Daily Office for Traditional Latin Catholic Laypeople
Catholicism / Devotions / Divine Office / Liturgical Spirituality / Traditionalism / Western Spirituality

A Simple Daily Office for Traditional Latin Catholic Laypeople

One of the hallmarks of the Liturgical Movement in the early- to mid-20th century was the impetus to open up the treasures of the Sacred Liturgy of the Catholic Church to the entire people of God. To this end, a slew of vernacular publications of liturgical texts, not only bilingual hand missals but also simplified … Continue reading

On Trads, Orthodoxy and “Disunity”
Catholicism / Church History / Ecclesiology / Orthodoxy / Traditionalism

On Trads, Orthodoxy and “Disunity”

I have noticed an increasingly recurring trope in recent self-styled Roman Catholic “Trad” material of late. It is a tellingly defensive dig against the Orthodox Churches, and a disclaimer that “of course” the trad author or speaker in question is not advocating an “Eastern Orthodox ecclesiology,” which is supposedly showing its bankruptcy, because certain local … Continue reading